Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Institutions and Audiences


How would you define the term audience?
Audiences are the groups of people that media is aimed at. They are media consumers.

How would you define the term institution?
Institutions are the companies in charge of the the production or the distribution of media.

Can you brainstorm some examples of each relation to the film industry?
Do you think media audiences and institutions are different now to 20-30 years ago?
What has changed?
  • Films are easier to access and purchase (through the internet)
  • The use of CGI has increased which makes the expectations of films greater.
  • Younger members of the public are able to access unsutable forms of media much more easily which means that the film certificates for films have to be altered.
Why are films made?
 So the institutions can make money from the audiences consuming the media.

What is the lifecycle of a film- what processes does it go through, from initial idea to being consumed by audiences?

Production ----> Distribution---->Exhibition

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