Sunday 16 September 2012

Donnie Darko Opening Analysis. (Mise en Scene)

 (Opens with the logos of the institutions involved with the making of the film)

Mise en scene: 

(00:50- 02:19) 
-Starts off showing the initial location of the film. (On an empty road.) The location appears to be in the middle of no where due to the fact that there are no houses, people or cars nearby other than the main character who is laying on the road. The area is surrounded by trees which could also show that this scene is set in the middle of no where. 

-Donnie (The main character) is laying down on the road next to a fallen bicycle. This could show that Donnie was cycling away from somewhere/ something and that he was in a hurry but he had fallen off of the bike. 

-Donnie appears to be wearing his pyjamas. This could show that either Donnie had to get away from something in a hurry so he didn't have time to change his clothes, or it could connote that Donnie wasn't aware that he was travelling and that he was sub consciously travelling in his sleep. 

-The sky shows that the scene was all happening quite early in the morning because it looks like it's sunrise. This could connote that Donnie was travelling all night. 

(02:24 - 03:40)
-Donnie is now on his bike on his way home, cycling around what appears to be his home town. There is a montage of familiar places and people. You can tell that this place is familiar to him because of how natural he appears in these surroundings. He looks as though he's travelled through this place many times. The people around him seem to know and recognise him which also hows that Donnie is familiar with these surroundings.

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