Thursday 13 September 2012

Children Of Men Opening Analysis.

Mise en scene: 
-British/ red buses show that the location of the film is in England. 
- The colours in the scene are washed out and look bleak and dreary. (They have a slight grey/ blue/ green hue) This gives the film a depressing atmosphere due to the filters that have been used to create the dull colours. 
- The television shown doesn't look like a modern television. It looks like a hi-tech television from the future. 
The moving advertisements on the billboards on the street also connote that this film is set in the future. 

-The scene starts off initially with a black screen. All you can hear during this time is the sounds of the news report. This is effective because this will make the audience's attention focus fully on what the news report is saying rather than the audience getting distracted by what they can see on the screen. 

-The music in the opening scene is diegetic because the music is actually coming from the television in the scene. This means that the actors can hear the music being played which is why the music is diegetic. 
- The sound effects are diegetic. (Sounds of cars and traffic, the explosion, the sirens of the cars and the sirens in of the shops.) 
- The dialogue is diegetic and the people screaming is also diegetic. 
- The sound from the news report on the television is also diegetic. 

-Non- Diegetic:  
-I didn't notice any examples of non-diegetic sounds in this scene. 

- An example of a high shot was shown in the beginning of this scene where the people are looking up at the television screen. This allows the audience to see the character's facial expressions and reactions to the news report. Just by seeing their facial expressions we can tell whether or not the news report is of good news or of bad news. Another reason why they might have decided to use a high shot would be to make the news report seem a lot more important. A way they made the news report look more important is that the characters are looking up to the television (literally) which will make the news seem a lot more important. Also, another reason why this is a high shot is because the camera looks like it's from the actual TV's point of view looking down at the people. 

- During the opening scene there is an example of a moving shot. This shot occurs after the main character walks out of the Cafe with his coffee. A reason why a moving shot at this point is effective is because the moving shot lets the audience watching the film get a good look at this character. This shows the audience that this man is the main character of the film 


  1. Very good analysis, good use of terminology.
    Use more connotation, bro.
